Back in Malawi and life has resumed its wonderful Aahfrican rhythm.
Eddie’s fifth birthday today: we had been on Mumbo for the last two nights and in the rush to pack again after having just arrived at the lake the day before, I forgot to pop in his presents. Oh dear – but he was very forgiving and said he’d be happy to wait until we got back to the mainland. The island staff were so sweet about organising him a birthday cake this morning (quickly baked during the breakfast rush) which we then cut and consumed on the boat on the way back and shared with all the island staff who were coming off their week’s shift. What a lovely way to spend a birthday morning. We opened his three little presents that I’d brought with us (2 from us and one from Gogo and Rock) – 2 sets of Lego and a Batman watch - and he was thrilled with it all. He and Ben have at last discovered the joy of having so many local kids around who are equally keen to play endless football. So they are in the thick of a good match in our parking lot under the tamarind tree right now.
Mumbo was as blissful as always – it is an extraordinarily beautiful place: the miombo forest with its huge variety of trees and the turquoise water and huge granite outcrops never fail to make me feel unbelievably privileged and happy.
Am now sitting back in my old office off the kitchen with its view of the tree and kids playing and Thomas’s bar’s familiar repertoire of music blaring behind me. Have ordered another fancy cake for Eddie from Gaia’s kitchen down the road as they are masters of the big squishy iced cake which will strike joy in a kid’s heart. Buj and Javi are at school today so we can only have the birthday on the weekend – and will probably have to have a third cake then! (And another one when we get back to CT!) And what a pleasure to never cook or grocery shop - my unhousewifely heart is full!
Off to Monkey Bay this afternoon with Liinu – yehah!
Ben and Eddie are so happy and relaxed here – I hardly see them. I actually go and hunt them down these days - so different from a few years ago when I had to keep shooing them out of the office. Eddie seems to have done a fast forward growth spurt. I love their new independence.
All very enthused I know, forgive me. Will get back to my usual cynical self once the newness wears off (perhaps!)