Just returned to the coal face after a lovely holiday with my parents on Mumbo and Domwe. It was so nice to see Malawi through their eyes, especially because they loved it. They thought it reminded them of their childhood - a time when one felt safe and was surrounded by friendly people and in an unspoilt (even if slightly rough) environment. I think it settled my mum especially, as she was very worried about us out here in deepest darkest! Now she realises that actually we live in a most amazing place and with a lifestyle which would be very difficult to achieve anywhere else.
What I loved was that everywhere we walked in the village, people came rushing up to be introduced - the carver, the sign maker, the night watchmen, the gardeners - everyone who has anything to do with us just seemed so very pleased to be able to greet my dear parents. The classic Mawaian greeting is' " You are most welcome", I love the old-fashioned englishness of it. So progress was slow but stately!
And then we had days on the islands where we lolled about, went for little hikes through the bush, swam and snorkeled (the first time I have managed as the kids have always prohibited my departure into the deep before - and even in Gogo's arms, every time I lifted my head up I heard Eddie screeching. Not a long snorkel, needless to say, but a start..), chatted endlessly and played with the poor neglected children a lot. It was very good for us to have family time again, I think, as usually I hardly see the darlings during the day, and they are finished by evening.
Mum and Dad left this morning (big weep behind my sunglasses as many were waving them off!) and already I miss them.
It is a gorgeous life here, but it is temporary - I do feel it is just an interlude (a lovely one I wouldn't miss for the world), but I left such a full life behind and must go back to it (though I suspect it will be a big adjustment again - even grocery shopping could be mind-bogglingly difficult! Let alone cooking!)
My birthday today - got a carving from Bush and a cry from Ben because he didn't have a present for me and i only got one (sweet thing!) and lots of hugs from Eddie. Am promised a paddle around Thumbi later for peace and quiet and the chef is baking chocolate cake for tea with the children this afternoon. A lovely day.
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