We have arrived in one (well, four really) piece(s) and all is going swimmingly - often literally as the boys spend all afternoon in the lake or next to it. We are living in our revamped reed house next to the water - the lake has risen way up the beach this year and the lake is only about two metres from our verandah. Everything is looking beautiful - Kayak Africa base camp (our home) is like a jungle, and every tree is alive with birds. One forgets how hideously hot is is out there in the village where trees are scarcer. The enormous baobab at our back gate is all leafy and has fruits hanging abundantly from every branch. That's when you know you are in central Africa - who else has a baobab at their gate! (I suppose the large lake in front of us is also a clue.)
I have a new job! I am officially employed by KA as Guest Operations Manager - whoooweee. This means I meet and greet the punters and take their cash and answer their questions and generally shmooze them. And, more worryingly, it means I am in charge of logistical stuff too and the petty cash system and heaven knows what else! Quite a thing for someone who is naturally rather scatterbrained! I am going to have to have serious lists everywhere.
Today we have no guests coming or going so we are revamping reception and our offices. Fun, moving everything about.
The darlings are wildly in love with their teacher, Dominique, who is so good with them and keeps them very busy from 8 until 12 every day. We all meet for lunch and a swim together after that and then Zoda takes over and they play all afternoon. As soon as dusk begins, we spray them with mozzie stuff and dress them in long pants and tops (Ben's Spiderman suit is invaluable as a mozzie proofer) and stick them on the beds under the net to watch Tintin til supper. They are asleep by 7 every night. Bush and I have taken to sitting on our verandah with a beer and a cup of tea to discuss the day. It's been so nice to have that time together again - our lives have been too hectic since Dec, what with Xmas and then packing.
So I think this can be a good year for us all - full of new challenges and a very very different way of life. It's so much more relaxed, even with a job, though it will hot up a lot as things get busy over Easter. Bit anxious about that!
Ok, tootling off now to rearrange furniture and p'raps have a dip...
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