
Saturday, May 31, 2008

Tales (wails) from the tropics


Time for another tropical tale or two.
Have swung from low to high and back again, as one does when foisted out of the old comfort zone (a place I adored!)
Was low when for the second weekend in a row, I remained at home while Bush frolicked out on the town and came back two hours later than he'd said (and repented when confronted by the flailingly mad mess that had been his usually calmish wife!). Was ready to hit the road and head on home (except it's not ours anymore as it's rented til December.)
In the gorgeous light of day, however (and day comes with such beauty here - the lake has that mother of pearl sheen and is still as a pond) I regained my sense of proportion, I am happy to report, and haven't flagged since (but probably will again on occasion as I really don't have a circle of friends here and I miss you all sorely.)
Since then have been to Mumbo and back and not even the most useless person in the world could be unhappy when that island is where you can go whenever it calls! I shall add a snap and you will see that it is a place of great splendour.
The kids swam from breakfast to supper, or otherwise played with the ubiquitous (and utterly essential Lego) under the big tree on the beach watched by Lyoness and two island men. (The island men were stationed there to watch out for a small crocodile which has been seen on the island - not really so good for tourists! The National Parks rangers have been trying to shoot it, but so far it eludes them. It won't really swim into the bay, I am sure, but you can never take too many precautions, I think, especially with small offspring.) It all sounds idyllic, but on the first day, the number of screaming brawls between the kids was epic - I think they were over-excited and are still working out the pecking order. Today was much better. While they played and battled it out, Bush, Jurie and I did a full island inspection! Notes were taken and horribly copious lists were made of all that needs to be done. I don't know if it's just our fresh eyes that see so much room for improvement, or if things had got a bit run down. Either way, there is a lot to be done. But that's always good as then you can feel useful and that it was important to come.
So I am off to go on an epic chitenje shop soon, to cover almost every cushion on the place as everything is faded or mouldy after the rainy season. LOVE chitenje shopping!
Best I stop rambling now (Bush has gone for sundowners and again I am home alone - think I must just accept the status quo. I am going to 'do lunch' with Liinu tomorrow before she goes to Finland on Sunday.)

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